About Us

About the Office of Traffic Safety (OTS)

The Nevada Office of Traffic Safety, a Division within the Department of Public Safety (DPS), is the federally recognized Highway Safety Office for the State of Nevada. The Director of DPS serves as the Nevada Governor's Highway Safety Representative, with Amy Davey serving as the Division Administrator & Highway Safety Director since 2015. 

The Office of Traffic Safety administers federal & state traffic safety grant funds awarded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), and various State partnerships. 


    To eliminate deaths and injuries on Nevada's roadways so everyone arrives home safely


      Committed to zero fatalities because every life matters

        Core Values

        Nevada Office of Traffic Safety has equal accountability with our partners as well as ourselves

        Nevada Office of Traffic Safety encourages mutual respect for all highway safety partners and communities

        Nevada Office of Traffic Safety is committed to achieving the highest standards of excellence in roadway safety

        Nevada Office of Traffic Safety conducts all business with integrity through transparency and best practices

          Functional Goals

          1. To encourage the implementation of innovative traffic safety projects at the state and local level that improve motorist awareness, roadway environment, data collection systems, enforcement, and emergency responses aimed at reducing the number and severity of traffic crashes on public highways.
          2. To administer a statewide education program that promotes safety for all users of Nevada roads, including pedestrians and bicyclists.
          3. To administer a comprehensive motorcycle safety education and training program including selection and enhancement of motorcycle training sites, conducting instructor development workshops aimed toward reducing injuries and fatalities while increasing awareness of motorcycles by other road users.

            Office of Traffic Safety

            Front Desk
            (775) 684-7472